Monday, December 17, 2012

Really good paleo pancakes!

With two preschoolers on my hands pancakes are a breakfast item that gets requested quite often around here. Before going grain free I had an amazing gluten free pancake recipe I used, even my gluten loving husband loved my gluten free pancakes :) But since going grain free almost 2 years ago (I think that's how long it's been, I lose track of time!) I have been on the quest for a really good pancake recipe. We have tried so many different ones, some pretty good and some not so good at all! Well, while I think these are probably not quite perfect, this is probably the best grain free and nut free pancake recipe I have tried so far. I know my girls really liked them! Sorry I do not have a good picture to share, with Christmas quickly approaching I have a lot of catch up stuff to do right now.
 So here you go, because of copyright laws I won't be posting the recipe here but head on over to PaleOMG and check out all her other awesome recipes while you're there! I hope you enjoy these pancakes as much as we did!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Truth in the Tinsel: Day 1

Today was our first day celebrating advent! Although I grew up in a christian home advent was not something we did as a holiday tradition. As my girls are getting older my desire to teach them about Jesus gets stronger and stronger, and what better time to teach this than the holiday season as we get closer to celebrating the day our Savior was born!
I looked at several different advent books for children but one that stuck out to me was Truth in the Tinsel by Amanda. It seemed to get really good reviews and I loved how simple it was. I knew my girls would love doing a craft everyday and I loved that I could print out simple ornaments for those days that we were just a little too busy to complete a whole craft.

So here we are! We were a little late getting started so I'm going to double up and we should be caught up by Friday. We'll also be doing some of the simple cutout ornaments this week since I still need to get some supplies and need to wait until payday on Friday. Today went really well and I'm super excited about the upcoming days!

Printed out and placed in a simple binder.

Each day's supplies including the cutout for the advent chain. Inspired by this.

Super excited :)